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Both the primary and secondary school of SIS Friedrichshafen are officially recognised as Ersatzschule (an Ersatzschule provides courses and qualifications comparable with those offered at German state schools). Teaching is in accordance with the relevant state curricula. The school is entitled to issue official reports and to hold in-house examinations. Students attending the SIS primary and secondary schools automatically meet the German requirements for compulsory school attendance.
Please note the following important information:
- At SIS Friedrichshafen, syllabi, grading system, promotion regulations, etc. comply with the requirements for Baden-Württemberg state schools.
- For admission to SIS Friedrichshafen, the student must fulfil the admission requirements for the corresponding school level at state schools. When applying for admission to SIS Secondary School (Gymnasium), students must normally submit a recommendation from their primary school (Grundschulempfehlung or Gemeinsame Bildungsempfehlung). If your child wishes to transfer from another state-approved private school or from a different type of school (secondary school not leading to university entrance qualification, e.g. Realschule, Hauptschule/Werkrealschule) to SIS Secondary School, the relevant regulations of the state of Baden-Württemberg will apply and an entrance examination may be required. Please discuss your child’s individual situation with the principal prior to possible enrolment.
- If a student has successfully completed a year level at SIS Friedrichshafen and has achieved the academic targets required for the corresponding type of school, no entrance examination is usually required, when transferring to a state or state-recognised private secondary school (Gymnasium or Realschule).
- As an officially recognised Ersatzschule, SIS Friedrichshafen is entitled to hold in-house examinations leading to the German educational attainment qualification, e. g. the German Abitur.
- Promotion certificates issued at the end of the year levels 9 and 10 will be automatically equivalent to the corresponding school leaving examinations (Hauptschulabschluss and the Mittlere Reife respectively).
For further information regarding the status of the school and on regulations for admission and transfer to and from other schools, please contact the principal.