Admissions Contact

What You Should Know about the Legal Status of the School

The primary school and secondary school (Years 7 to 10) of SIS Berlin are state-recognised private schools. They are equal to state schools in all aspects. The secondary school (Years 11 to 13) of SIS Berlin is currently a state-approved private school. SIS Berlin is striving for state recognition for the secondary school (Years 11 to 13) as well, which can only be awarded after several years of operation. Students attending the SIS primary and secondary schools automatically meet the German requirements for compulsory school attendance.

Please note the following important information:

  • At SIS Berlin, basic curricula, grading systems and promotion regulations comply with the requirements for Berlin state schools.
  • Admission to SIS Berlin is subject to the decision of the principal based on the application and the admission interview. If necessary, trial lessons can be arranged. Students seeking admission to Years 11 to 13 of our secondary school (gymnasiale Oberstufe) generally need to present a successful Mittlerer Schulabschluss (intermediate school leaving qualification). Equivalent foreign school certificates are evaluated individually on whether they qualify for admission to Years 11 to 13.
  • For education levels that are not fully state-recognised (at present, Years 11 to 13 of secondary school), progress reports issued by SIS Berlin provide general guidance only and cannot be considered as officially recognised progress reports.
  • In case of a transfer from SIS Berlin to another school, the respective school management decides on the admission of the student, taking into account necessary legal provisions.
  • Until Years 11 to 13 of the secondary school (gymnasiale Oberstufe) of SIS Berlin have been granted full state recognition, the school cannot hold inhouse examinations for the German Abitur (university entrance qualification). Students can complete state-recognised exams only under deviating conditions (Nichtschülerprüfungen).

For further information regarding the status of the school and on regulations for admission and transfer to and from other schools, please contact the principal.

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