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Project Week

Milestones and Achievements Sustainability SIS Zürich-Wollishofen Kindergarten/Preschool Primary School

The theme of this year's Project Week was "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".

Each year the whole school looks forward to our annual project week. This year the theme was "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". Teachers partner up to create exciting workshops, which groups of students rotate through during the week. The student groups are mixed across year levels, from kindergarten to primary 2 and primary 3 to primary 6. Students enjoy developing new friendships and getting to know other teachers in the school. The event began with a whole-school assembly to introduce the theme, where students also watched videos of the teachers giving exciting sneak previews of their various workshops. The workshops covered a range of topics on the theme, such as making beehives and reusable food storage bags with beeswax, creating art with items found in nature, making bird houses from plastic bottles, and even going on a charity run for various charities focused on sustainability. At the end of project week, students completed individual reflections of what they learned and another whole-school wrap-up sharing assembly was held. It was a memorable week!