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Julian Kuhn


Mehr über Julian Kuhn

Julian Kuhn


Name Julian Kuhn
Graduating year 2016
Where are you living at the moment? Kernen i.R.
What did/are you studying? Car Mechanic
Where did you study / are you studying? Mercedes Benz Stuttgart & WMS Stuttgart
What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? Working in Research & Development at Mercedes Benz Vans in Stuttgart and going to night school
What are your plans? Finishing my car mechanic master craftsman school
What is your ideal job? Being involved in developing more sustainable, safer and more futuristic cars with fun but professional people to work with while also travelling and learning permanently
Favourite memory of SIS? I can’t write everything down in this little box, but we had really fun trips to Paris and Ireland. Classes with Mr W. were always comical, but probably the most educative lessons I had. Even a normal assembly was always fun to be at, as well as our summer games.


Marc-Olivier Sommer


Mehr über Marc-Olivier Sommer

Marc-Olivier Sommer


Name Marc-Olivier Sommer
Graduating year 2016
Where are you living at the moment? Winnenden
What did/are you studying? Medicine
Where did you study / are you studying? Vienna
What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)?

Studying, writing doctoral thesis and working in hospital

What are your plans?

Specialist in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine

What is your ideal job?

Chief Physician / Head of department

Favourite memory of SIS?
  • Mr. W.’s email at 5 o’clock in the morning, requesting to bring potatoes to biology class.
  • Mr. E.’s history class, Mr. W.’s biology class, Mrs. D.'s German class, Mr. H.’s PE and Mrs D.’s french class
  • School Disco and Christmas Party
  • Being part of the pioneer class

And many more…

Niklas Bürkle


Mehr über Niklas Bürkle

Niklas Bürkle


Name Niklas Bürkle
Graduating year 2018
Where are you living at the moment? Fellbach, Germany
What did/are you studying? Civil Engineering
Where did you study / are you studying?

Universität Stuttgart

What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? Working Student
What are your plans?

Entry into the management of our family-run company

What is your ideal job?

Technical Management, Site Management, Project Development

Favourite memory of SIS? Class trip to Naples and late-night preparations for the IB Art Exhibition
Sara Oberascher


Mehr über Sara Oberascher

Sara Oberascher


Name Sara Oberascher
Graduating year 2018
Where are you living at the moment? Hamburg
What did/are you studying? Industrial / Product Design
Where did you study / are you studying?
  • Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
  • San Jose State University
What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? UX Researcher at XING (work study)
What are your plans?

I want to gain more experience abroad and enhance my understanding in the field of (social) psychology, preferably by pursuing a master's degree.

What is your ideal job?

A job where I can advance, and work close with people on a international basis.

Favourite memory of SIS? I often find myself reminiscing about the quality of instruction at SIS, especially in the field of natural sciences. And looking back all the school events were great to attend and help as a member of the SMV (Winterfest, Art exhibition, etc.).
Timo Grettenberger


Mehr über Timo Grettenberger

Timo Grettenberger


Name Timo Grettenberger
Graduating year


Where are you living at the moment? St. Gallen, Switzerland / Waiblingen, Germany
What did/are you studying? Business Administration
Where did you study / are you studying? University of St. Gallen
What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? Studying; Founder and Co-Founder of two companies, one in the online sales and marketing industry, the other in the business/management consulting industry, currently working on market entry strategies for non-EU-Firms.
What are your plans? Expansion into the business acquisition and restructuring space with plans to buy and resell small, mismanaged companies
Favourite memory of SIS? Quiz time at the end of Biology/Physics/NWT lessons with Mr. W. That was always a fun end to any lesson and opportunity to learn something away from the regular “schedule”.
Vivian Schneider


Mehr über Vivian Schneider

Vivian Schneider


Name Vivian Schneider
Graduating year 2020
Where are you living at the moment? Munich
What did/are you studying? Psychology
Where did you study / are you studying?


What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? Studying & working at a forensic IT company
What are your plans?

Finish my bachelor's degree & do my masters!

What is your ideal job?

Forensic Psychologist

Favourite memory of SIS? School trip to Greece, study-lunches with Mr. W., Abi-Feier!
Leon Maximillian Pönicke


Mehr über Leon Maximillian Pönicke

Leon Maximillian Pönicke


Name Leon Maximillian Pönicke
Graduating year 2022
Where are you living at the moment?


What did/are you studying? Public Management
Where did you study / are you studying? HVF Ludwigsburg
What are you doing at the moment (if not studying)? Professional Athlete
What are your plans? Excavation in Pompeii
What is your ideal job?


Favourite memory of SIS? Philosophical debates with the religion teacher